Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Thing 14 - Technorati

I watched the video of Technorati's new features and did quite a bit of searching, but I have to say that this blogging tool did not appeal to me. I found the ads to be "in the way" of some of the information that I was trying to read. The constant motion of some of them was distracting.
Searching blogs discussing "Learning 2.0" using Technorati reinforced my ideas about how lifelong learning in technology, education, and business has always been necessary for personal growth and new discoveries in these fields. Libraries are a great help for the resources of lifetime learning.
I viewed the popular blog and used tags to find information about the presidential candidates. There were some interesting articles, but no websites that I wish to revisit at this time. I don't think that I will be visiting Technorati in the near future.

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